Life’s Important Questions

Maybe the Mr. Men picture theme was a bad idea. Why is there no "Mr. Shoe"?!

As we make our journey through life, we begin to question ourselves on various aspects. Some of these questions can be very deep, and require a lot of thought. Some are never answered, and you continue your life until your last breath having never found the answer.

This blog is about one of those questions that we will all ask ourselves at some point in our lives’. It is one I have thought about for a long time and something that I still have no answer to. I am sure there will never been an answer to this, and much like the cliché, “What is the meaning to life?” I am sure there will never be a definitive answer.

How do you lose a shoe?

This has been a question I have thought about for a long time, and something I have struggled to obtain an answer for. Over the past weeks, I have seen several lone shoes which look as if they have recently been misplaced, and these sightings have cemented this question in my mind.

The most significant sighting was in Marks and Spencers. I was walking through the pants section with my “better” half (I use inverted commas as I consider myself to be the better one. She is far too small to be better) and we saw a shoe, unsuperivised, in the aisle. It was a shoe in good condition, a shoe that was kept well, but a shoe that was certainly well used. We both looked at each other stunned. How do you lose a shoe? At what point do you think to yourself, “Oh jeeez, what has happened to my shoe”? Do you continue walking and try and ignore it? What happens to your socks? They would be ruined. It would be awful to lose your shoe halfway through a hike, especially if you weren’t wearing a decent pair of socks. I use Primark socks, as it makes total economic sense. But I have to replace each sock after about 2 weeks, and I wear shoes every time I leave the house, which is at least once a day. Just imagine if the shoe losing victim was wearing Primark socks?! The outcome of that particular scenario is entirely beyond human comprehension.

How did this even get here without anybody noticing?!

Since that incredible day in the Marks and Spencers pants department, I have had a number of other sightings. For instance, I was standing on the platform of the station, waiting for the train when I noticed a work shoe, in perfect condition, laying dormant on the tracks. Would this shoe loser spend the entire day at work, with just one shoe, and commute home, with just one shoe?

Today I came very close to answering this deep philosophical question. I witnessed a near shoe-loss. As I was walking up some escalators, one of the shoes on the woman in front of me inexplicably fell off. What made this incident so interesting was she knew her shoe had fallen off, and even made the effort to collect the shoe, and put it back on her foot. It was an exciting moment in the world of shoe loosing, but unfortunately got me no closer to the answer to this great question.

It is a mind boggling question, and I can imagine it is conjuring up all sorts of thoughts, feelings and emotions in your head right now. At this moment, I would think of something to end the blog, but I don’t really know how to end it. After all, there is no conclusion. How do you end something that has no answer?!

So, how do you lose a shoe? Nobody knows.