The Trauma’s of Ailment

I have recently fended off Man Flu. I consider myself to be very lucky. If it wasn’t for the constant consumption of a popular lemon flavoured cold and flu beverage that rhymes with PemSip, and the continuous 24 hour ingestion of a popular sore throat soothing lozenge that rhymes with Prepsils then I would have probably been done for. 

All men know that once you have been grappled by the ravages of Man Flu, the chances of good health are very slim. In fact, recent scientific studies have showed that there is a 97% chance of contracting Man Flu if your throat feels a bit sore. 

Women laugh when a man gets Man Flu. They assume we are exaggerating. Well I for one have never exaggerated. Particularly about something so serious as Man Flu. Scientific research has also shown that Woman Flu is, and I quote “much easier than Man Flu”. I would reference this quote, but I have misplaced the medical journal in which I found it. It was written by some famous scientist with an Italian name if I remember correctly. Something along the lines of Leo Der Vinchey. 

I have had Man Flu before, and it was the worst 2 days of my life. People who saw me were saying things like “you don’t look very well” and “have you got a cold” and “fancy a mug of PemSip?”. I think these quotes display the magnitude of my Man Flu. It was a particularly bad case because as well as having a sore throat, cough and runny nose, my ears also ached a little bit.

So for any men who are currently suffering from Man Flu, you have my utmost sympathy. It is a hard time, and you may occasionally feel like just giving up. But stay strong, keep positive and value life. You will (might) pull through.

If you have had Man Flu, or know of anyone with Man Flu, please donate to Together we can fight Man Flu.